ooohhh nice! But like every great technological breakthrough (from the smallest gadget to the largest mobile suit), only one thing left to consider - energy source. Once we find a way to bring sufficient energy in the most compact or efficient way, things like this will be much easier to develop
GeNGiM 31 分前
Hell, its about time
adigabear 40 分前
Impressive! Reminds me of the Steadicam(tm) Tango. All based on mechanics. No motors or servos or batteries. Like he showed in the beginning, basic movement replicator. Plus, quite cheap to build. Lightweight aluminum and PVC. Granted it serves no real purpose but the concept it great!! Like stated earlier about the Steadicam(tm) they could use springs in the arms and legs to be able to lift more weight. Kudos!!!
stoneground1 58 分前
MADJOEmadfriday 1時間前
trust the japs to have a battle system for it
Embo1234 1時間前
Ok, I'm building my own, except I'm dropping in a jet turbine power source, two airsoft miniguns and just for shits and giggles I'll paint it either like the Big Guy, or Megas XLR.
YNot1989 1時間前
I will kill my cat for it...
HatEtHePolicENo2 3 時間前
hehenshinhe 3 時間前
アシックス プラクティスパワースーツ