世界的に原発に関するニュースや映像はそれぞれの国が検閲した後放映されているはずなのに、このUFOが映りこむ映像が放映されてしまうということは、ただのミスなのか、それともエイリアンが地球上で活動していることを少しずつ知らしめるためなのか? Top secret government departments worldwide collude to censor out any clear and obvious proof of the alien activity that is occurring at all times on planet earth. Only news that fits in with the program the international UFO cover-up has initiated to slowly make people aware of an alien presence on Earth is allowed to reach the public via mainstream media outlets. This was either a slip-up or a leak and no doubt behind closed doors there will heated discussion over this footage that proves without doubt that aliens are here. ていうか、この映像マジか?